miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

corrections. check it out.

Look for your corrections, these are some recommendations.

domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

A nice love story

Hi, friends.
This is the new homework. Could you share a love story? yours would be better. Tell us where you met her or him; How; who helped you; a funny event; etc. use verbs in past. look up vocabulary words to express better your ideas.

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Welcome guys to our Blog

I'm so happy because I really like my new group. The first topic we will talk aboout is going to be: Cartoons, are the old ones better than the new ones? Are the new cartoons more violent than the old ones? compare and contrast both. Give examples. Your opinion. If possible bring a picture, letter size, of one of the cartoons you wrote on the card I gave you in the class. See you on Monday